About XOXO
March 6, 2024
One Last Time, With Feeling
Yeah, no kidding! We’re bringing XOXO back this August 22–24 to Revolution Hall in Portland, one last time. After the last XOXO in 2019, we…
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March 16, 2020
XOXO 2020 Is Canceled
We're sorry to announce that we’ve decided to cancel XOXO 2020. But September is still six months away! Why not wait a little longer before…
September 2, 2019
Back In The Neighborhood
In just a few short days, we'll welcome over 1,200 of you to Revolution Hall for this year's XOXO. After last year's festival at Veterans…
June 13, 2019
The Wrong Right Way
Last October, we announced that we'd partnered with Kickstarter to start a new project to succeed Drip, their subscription platform for…
May 8, 2019
Return to Form
After taking a year off, XOXO returned in 2018 looking very different from how it looked before. Most noticeably we increased in size from…
October 24, 2018
Something New from XOXO
Six years ago, we launched XOXO with a singular mission: to bring together and celebrate artists and creators of all kinds using the…
June 28, 2018
Bringing XOXO Back
This is a deeply disturbing time in American history. The basic rights and protections of the country’s most vulnerable are under attack…
September 1, 2016
Our Neighborhood
A week from today, just over 1,200 of you will join us in Portland to participate in this year’s festival. Each year, Andy and I try to be…
July 21, 2015
Let’s Get Together
Great things happen after XOXO every year: people leave their day jobs, start new projects, and make new things because of the people they…
June 4, 2015
A New Experiment
We know you’re anxiously waiting for news about this year’s festival, but you’ll have to wait a few more days. Today, we’re finally ready to…
June 23, 2014
On Diversity
After XOXO ended last year, we were curious what the gender ratio looked like. Anecdotally, it was a lot of men, but how many? We don’t…
October 9, 2013
Kickstarter + XOXO at Brooklyn Beta
We’ve noticed a lot of familiar faces around Brooklyn these past few days, so we got together with our friends at Kickstarter, and decided…